Magazines featuring Rebecca
and her articles

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On Point Global News

Those of you who’ve depended on speaking on public platforms to build your business may feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you (as an international speaker, I understand). Yes, the global pandemic presents challenges — and new opportunities! Since we don’t know how long the restrictions on gathering in public will last, it’s time for speakers to get creative so you can continue to bring your message forward.

Click here to read more: Rebecca Gruyter on Ways to Stay Visible Without Speaking in Person

Tribute Magazine

This issue of Tribute Magazine features a number of articles about Rebecca’s books, as well as other authors. Spotlight articles include Rebecca’s compilation books, “Bloom Where You Are Planted and SHINE” and “The Grandmother Legacies,” as well as those of other RHG Media authors.

Summer 2018

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Rebecca Hall Gruyter: The Grandmother Legacies

Rebecca Hall Gruyter is an influencer and empowerment leader that helps you to reach more people. She has built multiple businesses and platforms to help influencers and experts reach more people. Through her conferences, workshops, and live events are designed to quip and empower you to step forward and SHINE. Through her collaborative books (over 15 of them ….most of them best sellers) she seeks to support readers while lifting up her co-authors, experts, and Influencers….to help them reach even more people around the world.

Read the complete article in the Huffington Post
Huffington Post, January 17, 2018
Photograph by Tricia Hall Photography

Bloom where You Are Planted and SHINE!

Thank you for leaning into Bloom Where You Are Planted and SHINE! I’m honored and excited to bring this powerful book to you, featuring over 25 experts that are committed to helping you SHINE powerfully in your life!

As a women’s empowerment leader, I know a lot about being disempowered and how to overcome that in order to step into your passion, power, and gifts so that you SHINE! I celebrate you saying ‘yes’ to this book and to yourself! It is a courageous act to say ‘yes’ to you and be willing to let others walk beside you to support and cheer you on in life.

Read the complete article in Tribute Magazine
Tribute Magazine, January/February, 2018

tribute magazine cover issue 11
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Bloom Where You Are Planted and SHINE!

Thank you for leaning into Bloom Where You Are Planted and SHINE! I’m honored and excited to bring this powerful book to you, featuring over 25 experts that are committed to helping you SHINE powerfully in your life!

As a women’s empowerment leader, I know a lot about being disempowered and how to overcome that in order to step into your passion, power, and gifts so that you SHINE! I celebrate you saying ‘yes’ to this book and to yourself! It is a courageous act to say ‘yes’ to you and to be willing to let others walk beside you to support and cheer you on in life.

Read the complete article in the Huffington Post
Huffington Post, December 7, 2017

Ask Rebecca

Rebecca writes a powerful “Ask Rebecca” Column, has been featured in several powerful publications and is contributing author to several magazines. In these articles she she provides valuable tips, insights, and practical steps to support you in moving forward in your life and business.

RHG Magazine

Ask Rebecca is featured in RHG Magazine, a heart-centered and powerful magazine featuring wonderful articles, updates on our growing TV Network, and updates and special announcements we feel like will be of value to our readers. Every issue has a special section focused on our RHG TV Network™ – a venue where we seek to bring positive and transformational programming the world!

3 RHG magazine issues 2022

Wealthy Woman Magazine

Read Ask Rebecca in the February 2016 issue of Wealthy Woman, where she answers these questions:

  • You went from being “visibility shy” to becoming visible in a big way. What are your top three ways to make this shift?
  • How do I increase my visibility?
  • How do I find your TV channel, “Empowered ConnectionsTV™”?

Read Ask Rebecca in the October 2015 issue of Wealthy Woman, where she answers these questions:

  • How important is it for people to find their life purpose?
  • As an Entrepreneur it’s so easy to work 24 hours a day. How do you create work/life balance?
  • What’s the most effective way I can reach more women in the corporate world, when I have not worked myself in that world? (My experience is more in the educational institutions.)

Read Ask Rebecca in the April 2015 issue of Wealthy Woman, where she answers these questions:

  • What is the most essential thing someone needs to do to start to address and hopefully enhance their ability to acquire more money?
  • How would you advise an introvert working on getting out of their box to take that first step?

Rebecca is a featured expert writing about myths and truths about money.

I am Enough Magazine

My Financial Success Plan

I’ll just do what they did (or I think they did). I will follow (fill in the blank)’s path to success and financial success. Powerful Truth. You need to discover your own definition of success and your own definition of financial success. My Financial Success Plan  

Money Myth #5

Money Myth: I don’t care about money. I don’t want to deal with it. Powerful Truth: If you neglect money, your relationship with it will not be healthy. Just think if someone said the following to you: “I don’t care about you.” “I don’t want a relationship with you.” “I don’t like you.” “I don’t want to spend time or energy on or with you.”  “You frustrate and intimidate me: I hate having to deal with you.” Do you think you would lean into that relationship? Money Myth #5  

Money… I Just Need More

Money Myth: I just need more sometime soon and if I keep hoping for that and wishing for more then it will happen. Powerful Truth: Money — and you — both respond to clarity, commitment, and specificity. We need to develop a greater level of clarity regarding what we want, and we need to make the commitment to lead our relationship with money on both the practical and profound levels towards our goals. Money… I Just Need More  

Shifting Your Money Position

Have you ever found yourself saying “I should be further along than I am now.” Or “I can’t understand money.” Or “I should understand money by now.” Or “I’m ashamed or embarrassed of where I’m at and I can’t figure it out or make it different.” In our society we don’t provide a lot of education about money, so it is actually quite common that people feel stuck and disempowered when it comes to money. Shifting Your Money Position  

The Now or Later Money Myth

Truth or Myth? If I focus on my future now, then I can’t enjoy my present life. I have to choose to focus on either now or the future. I can’t have both. Answer: Myth! The powerful truth is: you can enjoy your life now and in the future (though sometimes you need expert help to balance both the present and the future). The Now or Later Money Myth  

Popular Belief About Money is Actually a Myth

You may have heard the Myth: I just need more money or income to shift forward financially. The Power Truth is: More is NOT the answer, but in fact it is how you relate to money that helps you shift forward. Popular Belief About Money is Actually a Myth.